It's okay to feel disoriented after a breakup. The pain, the confusion, the surge of emotions - they're all part of the process. But remember, you don't have to face these challenges alone.

Wanting to let go, but these mental blocks keep holding you back from healing?

The pain of loss can be so challenging, I’ve been there. Even if you were betrayed, healing from an abusive relationship, or broke off with a narcissist, moving on can be difficult. After all, we were deeply in love with them, and love is such a strong emotion.


You feel a void, a space once filled with shared laughter and love. This absence keeps tugging at you and you wonder if you’ll ever find happiness in a relationship again.


Haunted by self-doubt, you question your worth and capabilities. This feeling keeps clouding your self-image, becoming a roadblock in your journey towards self-love.


Anger towards your ex lingers, an undercurrent of resentment you can’t shake off. It holds you back from finding peace and forgiving, both yourself and them.


Alone more often than not, you miss having someone. This loneliness forms an unseen hurdle, hindering you from reaching out and connecting with others.


Regret burdens your heart, replaying 'what-ifs' and 'if-onlys'. This cycle of self-blame stalls your progress in leaving the past behind and looking forward to a hopeful future.


Depression wraps around you, casting a shadow of sadness that feels impossible to shrug off. It’s making it hard for you to see the rays of happiness that life still has to offer.

You can break free– starting from within

Often, our past heartbreaks wield power over our present, dictating our emotional well-being. But it’s vital to understand that these experiences don’t have to shape your future. Your healing journey begins by acknowledging the past without allowing it to cloud your potential for happiness.

With hypnotherapy, I can guide you on a transformative journey. As a licensed hypnotherapist specializing in breakup recovery, my role is to help you navigate your mind, allowing you to rediscover your inner strength and ability to move forward, step by step.

Uncover, understand, and unleash with hypnotherapy

As someone who has experienced the depths of heartbreak and emerged happily in love, I understand your pain on a deeply personal level. With years of mending hearts through hypnotherapy, together we will navigate your struggles, painting a new picture of healing and self-discovery.

Deep Emotional Healing

Together, we’ll dive deep to tackle the intense emotions holding you back.


Rediscover your identity that got lost in the echoes of your past relationship.

Releasing Guilt

Unburden yourself from guilt and self-blame that service no purpose.

Schedule a free consultation

Take the first step towards your emotional healing today. Reach out for an initial consultation and let’s walk this journey together.

Free Consultation

I’m Chris Goode, a compassionate hypnotherapist dedicated to helping you heal from heartache

With a decade of experience in hypnotherapy, I, Chris Goode, am committed to helping you navigate through your emotional journey. My approach is based on empathy, understanding, and most importantly, respect for your individual experience.

My own painful breakups were my catalysts for growth. They led me to a journey of self-discovery and healing. Now, I’m committed to helping others navigate their own paths, using the tools that changed my life. As a certified hypnotherapist, I’m here to help you rebuild, recover, and regain your power after a breakup.

In my sessions, I foster a safe and comforting environment where you’re encouraged to express and explore your feelings. We’ll work together, addressing your struggles, and paving the way for your emotional growth.

About Me

How a healing journey with me looks like

My hypnotherapy process is designed to guide you through the journey of healing, from the initial consultation to the transformation that follows.

Step 1

Clarity Session

In our initial call, I help you clarify your needs and goals, ensuring I can best assist you. If we're not the perfect match, I guide you towards the appropriate resources.

Step 2

The Session

During our session, I attentively tune into your unconscious moments to find the root of your problems. Together, we navigate through these complex psychological knots, paving the way for change.

Step 3

Processing & Transformation

After our session, you embark on a journey of self-realization and integration. As you adopt new beliefs and take new actions, you'll experience a cascade of positive transformations in your life.

Real recovery stories

Hear directly from those who have embarked on their healing journeys with me. Their transformative experiences are a testament to the power of hypnotherapy in overcoming post-breakup struggles.

All Testimonials

Begin your path to healing and book your free consultation today

Take the first step towards your emotional healing today. Reach out for an initial consultation and let’s walk this journey together.

Free Consultation

Free resources for building healthy relationships and boundaries

Delve into my vast range of free resources that offer insights into relationship dynamics, emotional health, and personal growth. Your self-discovery journey starts here.

Embracing New Beginnings: How Hypnotherapy Aids Heartbreak Recovery

Hey there! Chris Goode here.  We've all been there. Heartbreak is one of life's most challenging hurdles. But what if I told you that a technique…

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